Nov 1, 2022

Believe In Yourself (Part 2)

Almost every single one of my clients had gone to therapy before we met. I would say upwards of 90% of clients had not only tried therapy once, but twice and sometimes even three times. And yet, they were still experiencing the symptoms of trauma — sweaty palms, chest tightness, a feeling of overwhelming dread, difficulty sleeping, and so much more.

In all cases, there was one very important part of their therapy that was missing. And that missing part of therapy is absolutely essential for the recovery of trauma. So why do certain therapy approaches seem to fail again and again for trauma survivors? My clients have taught me that one undeniable part of trauma therapy that is often missing is:


Embodiment is living in sync with our bodies needs and signals. Our body is the basest form of information we will ever have. Our intellect is a far more sophisticated system. However, it was developed far later than our somatic, or, bodily experiences of the world.

Want to learn more about What is somatic therapy and how it can help you with Anxiety? Click HERE

All of our experiences filter first through our body and then our mind.

Despite this truth, so any therapists and therapy approaches rely first and foremost on intellect. This approach is not going to work for a couple reasons.

  • One, when we experience a trauma, those events filter through our body and nervous system first and foremost. Only after our body absorbs the shock does our intellect start kicking in.

  • Two, our intellect forms thoughts and meanings based on the signals sent by the body. In essence, our body actually shapes the narrative that stays with us. When the body just experienced a traumatic event, the narrative will reflect that. Even moreso, if the body never realizes it’s safe and the trauma is over, our thoughts will continuously tell us that something horrible is happening.

Why then, do so many trauma survivors tell me that their past therapies relied almost strictly on talking without any attention to the body? It could be that body-based psychotherapy, like EMDR, requires special training and an understanding of how the mind and body are inextricably connected.

It could also be that the clients I work with can be incredibly persuasive and insightful. Often, my clients have it all figured out from the neck up. They have a cohesive and intentional narrative that they’ve practiced and created. But from the neck down, their body is in a constant state of fight or flight. Some are so scared to tap into their body’s wisdom that they will do anything to avoid that introspection.  

I’ve heard it all and seen it all. That’s why a huge part of therapy is establishing safety and trust. I work hard to establish that structure before beginning body-based psychotherapy, like EMDR. Once we have trust, anything becomes possible in terms of mind-body recovery from trauma.

Our body offers us a whole world of untapped knowledge and awareness that is highly effective in lifelong recovery from trauma.  It is through knowledge of how the mind and body interact that we begin to develop awareness on a whole new level. This level of awareness goes far beyond the power of the spoken word alone. It is knowledge that offers strategies to help keep your body in the present moment while your brain heals the trauma from the past. A calm body is the gateway to a healed brain. A healed brain is the gateway to a transformed life.

This is all possible through body-based psychotherapies, like EMDR.

I can support you in learning what your body truly needs to stay fully present while we revisit the traumas from your past. Revisiting past traumas in a present calm body is the catalyst for your brain to form new neural networks — ones of safety and connection. And the old networks — those of fear, anxiety, and sadness — diminish.

Your brain and body are primed for healing. They desperately want to heal, but don’t know how. Similar to a wound that requires cleansing and protection to heal. Your brain requires a calm body and a gentle guide to assist in the healing of trauma.

If you’re waiting for a sign that this is your time, here it is. It’s time for you to begin your recovery from trauma. You deserve to enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build.  Let me help.

If you want to talk to a licensed therapist, click HERE to learn more about Dr. Cammy